Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency menceritakan seberapa sering sesuatu itu terjadi. Adverbs of frequency ditempatkan sebelum main verb atau prediket.

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

1. We usually eat breakfast at 7:00 a.m.

2. Our dad never gets off work before 6:00.

3. I sometime wear a tie to work.


Jika kalimat tersebut menggunakan to be sebagai verb maka adverbs of frequency ditempatkan setelah  verb be (am, is, are, was, dan were)

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:        

1. I am always happy to see you.

2. You are never ready for school on time!

3. The students are sometime discouraged by poor grades.


Berikut ini adverbs of frequency dengan presentasi keseringan kegiatannya dilakukan/terjadi: 

* Always  (100%)                                            

* Almost  (95-99%)      

* Usually (90-97%)       

* Often (60-80%)          

* Sometime (50%)        

* Occasionally (30-40%)

* Seldom (5-10%)

* Rarely (1-10%)

* Almost never (1-5%)

* Never (0%)



Rewrite each sentence and use the percentages to decide which adverbs will be used. Do as examples.

Selma catches the 9:15 bus to town. (80-90%)

        Selma frequently catches the 9:15 bus to town.

 She is late for work. (8%)

         She is rarely late for


1. We watch the news at 6:00. (100%)


2. My wife drives me to work. (50%)


3. Our neighbor’s son goes to football practice after school. (95-99%)


4. My mom leaves her keys on the kitchen table. (80-90%)


5. The baby hungry when he wakes up. (100%)


6. The planes take off on time. (90-99%)


7. The school bus is here by 7:30 a.m. (5-90%)


8. I go shopping after work. (30-40%)


9. The kids are ready when the school bus arrives. (1-10%)


10. I am happy when it rains. (0%)
