
Adverbs adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan untuk memberikan penjelasan pada kata verbs, adjectives, or adverbs yang lainnyaAdverbs digunakan untuk memodifikasi conjunctions, prepositions, infinitive verbs, terkadang adverbs juga menjelaskan seluruh sisa kalimat

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut.

  • Children generally  want to please both their parents and their teachers.
  • Perhaps  you are wrong, but I will listen to your claims.

(Adverb “generally” memberikan penjelasan terhadap verb “want”. Generally want dapat diartikan: umumnya ingin.... Sementara adverb perhaps (barangkali) menjelaskan klausa you are wrong yang merupakan bagian klausa atau kalimat.)

 Exercise : 

Underline adverb in the following sentences and mention the words are modified. Do as examples.

  • They play their instruments lovingly.      __play____
  • Certainly we will come to dinner.      __we will come to dinner__

  1. She began to weep quietly when the officer came to the door. ________________
  2. Ideally, the doctor will have completed her examination. ____________
  3. You will undoubtedly be reprimanded.   ____________
  4. Although they practice diligently, they never satisfy their teacher. ____________
  5. Ideally, the doctor will have completed her examination. ________________