Latihan Reading - Report 2: Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

Soal Latihan Reading Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 
Report Text 

Read the text and answer questions no 1 to 3
Lavender plants are herbaceous or shrub of the genus Lavandula. These plant originate from Mediterranean, Middle East and India. They grow very well in a wide range of climates and optimally at temperatures between 7°C and 21°C ( 44.6 – 69.8°F). The require bright sunlight and regular watering for adequate growth.
The plant are small, branching and spreading shrubs with grey-green leaves and long flowering shoots. The leave can be simple or pinnate measuring 30 – 50nmm in length. The plant produces lilac or blue flowers on shoots which can be 20 – 40 cm long. The plant grow to 0.4 m ( 1.2 ft ) in height and live for 20 – 30 years.
Lavender flowers can be used in cooking as a herb or to produce lavender sugar. Fresh flowers can be used as a flavoring  in desserts and sauces. Lavender is also cultivated as an ornamental plant or for the extraction of an essential oil. The flower shoots are dried and used in flower arranging.

1. The text is written to….
A. Tell the fragrance of the flower
B. Describe the lavender generally.
C. To show the functions of lavender
D. Describe colorful lavender’s flower in general 
2. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. The size of lavender plants
B. The use of lavender plants
C. The description of lavender plants
D. The environment for growing lavender plants.
3. Lavender is also cultivated as an ornamental plant or for the extraction of an essential oil. Which of the following products uses essential oil of lavender?
A. Fuel oil
B. Aromatherapy
C. Colouring fabric
D. Water purifier
4. “The plant are small, branching and spreading shrubs…..” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is synonymous with….
A. Ramose                               
B. Sturdy
C. Famous                               
D. Brittle